Daily and Weekly Schedule
The school term will be divided into eight 4-5 week long learning themes. Interpersonal skills, Community service, Life skills, Civics and Arts, Money matters, Career preparation, Animal husbandry, and Critical thinking. Language arts and math will be integrated within each theme.
Project based Themes
Interpersonal skills
Socratic discussions, public speaking, conflict resolution
theatrical play (with instruments) and child designed sets about the constitution
Animal Husbandry
Sheering sheep, milking goats, making cheese, cleaning pens
Community Service
Recording personal histories of nursing home residents, neighborhood cleanup
Money matters
Building a business, budgeting, personal finance
Critical thinking
Argument types, reason and logic, fact vs opinion
Life Skills
CPR, self-defense, internet safety, cooking, wilderness skills, changing car tires, using tools
Career Preparation
Visiting professionals share and students learn some of their skills, business building

Daily Schedule
9:30-10:00 Exercise combined with core curriculum
10:00-11:30 Theme discussion, math and LA themework, (student teaching, journaling)
11:30-12:30 lunch and free play
12:30-2:30 Theme projects and related field trips